Diaper Indonesia Factory

Pabrik Popok Celana Bayi

Have parents ever worried about a newborn baby’s dark feces? Is something like this normal? Take it easy, let’s discuss it well here. Before that, prepare the best diapers that are processed directly through Diaper Indonesia Factory.

Recognize the color of your child’s feces

Discussing the chapter of the little one or newborn baby, you must know the frequency of the baby’s defecate.

Once you know the frequency of baby’s feces size, then it’s time you know about the colors of your baby’s feces. Here are the colors that you can look at, including the following:

Blackish green

When the little one has just been born then the stool released will be blackish green with a sticky texture. This will happen 1-3 days after your child is born.

In this position the little one will secrete meconium. What is meconium? So, meconium in amniotic water and mucus that enters the baby’s body. It’s pretty natural to know.

Before that, equip children with baby diapers that are processed well through Diaper Indonesia Factory.

Brownish green

Entering the 4th day then the little one’s dirt will turn brownish green. This small thing is able to show that the needs of breast milk are met.

However, when you find that your little one’s bowel movements are blackish green it’s a good idea to take it to the doctor for consultation.

For the little one who consumes formula milk, then the smell of the stool will be more pungent, dense, and thick.


After passing through the brownish green, then there are times when the little one finds Feces with a dark yellow color.

What about the bright yellow stool color? This is because of the medicine and food that has been given to the little one.

Red, Black, and White

You should know that the colors mentioned above are problematic colors. Do you already know?

The red color indicates that your child has an infection. Meanwhile, the black color accompanied by blood indicates there are problems in the digestive tract. The white color indicates there are problems in the liver and bile.

Complete with healthy diapers

Already know the colors of feces, then you should know about healthy diapers that are processed as sophisticated as possible in Diaper Indonesia Factory.

The healthy diapers offered today are Hogo diapers, healthy diapers that are suitable for newborn babies. You can try it right now. There are various variants of newborn baby diaper sizes. Not only processed through a quality Diaper Indonesia Factory. The ingredients used in the manufacture of these healthy diapers are of premium quality. The issue of price with quality is guaranteed to make you happy.

Get information about Hogo premium baby diapers with the best quality and competitive prices only on Hogo Official Instagram and Hogo Official Website

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